Jul 31, 2020
A conversation with author Danielle Des on being both budget conscious and financially savvy. Her tips for saving and her debt journey - $63,000 in student loans paid off in four years. Buying her home at the age of 27 a few years ago, she now shares her knowledge with others looking to do the same.
Jul 24, 2020
After a rough start in Dubai dealing with her husband's infidelity upon joining him, Caneisha found her true calling as a relationship coach helping others deal with problems she herself had experienced. She discusses the healing and getting rid of the victim mentality, life abroad in Dubai, then China, racism,...
Jul 17, 2020
A podcast interview with Caroline Conner where she discusses her life from her troubled past growing up in London, Paris and then back to the U.S., past alcoholism, and eventually parlaying her passion for wine into a full fledged business in Lyon, France where she lives currently. She offers virtual tasting plus an...
Jul 10, 2020
Karl is a young, driven, and successful businessman who found his calling after realizing that he embodied the ENTP Myers Briggs personality. Some of the topics of discussion include a few of his passions, including real estate and 1€ Italy homes, a Home Health care business, and his growing YouTube audience where he...
Jul 3, 2020
This podcast is with Anita, an ex-pat in Portugal. Traveling with her husband and best friend of decades, we talk about making sure you have solid plans, dealing with eventual loss, and how she has been handling it all. We also talk about co-sharing, a newer phenomenon with mature people. Other topics include what life...